
Engineering talent for your cloud and Data projects

Engage a cross-functional team or dedicated developers

Cloud Data Solutions and Services

Business and technology leaders from start-ups and SMEs engage us to implement their data projects or augment their teams. The CTOs, Development Leads and Product Owners we serve typically design and engineer data-driven cloud-based software.

Hire a dedicated remote team

Need to craft an end-to-end data-driven application with a complete cross-functional team?

Discuss Your Project

Scale up with remote developers

Looking for software professionals to augment your in-house team with expertise, greater capacity and speed?

Hire Remote Developers

Engage technology experts

Searching for an expert to consult on your work, audit a system or bridge skills gaps on your team?

Request Consultation

Client Value & Trust — Testimonials

We partner with entrepreneurs, business and technology leaders who are after software driven innovation in the products, processes and business ventures they undertake to bring to life.

Business - Enterprise

"Two Lamda have proven across several technologies they are way ahead of the curve. They are well versed in IoT, big data, and machine learning. The team impressed us with their ability to speak at the business strategy level."

Business - SME

"Two Lamda has been a very reliable partner for us. They took over our system infrastructure in a short time and managed to handle it in a professional and reliable way. We would be happy to work with Two Lamda again."

Business - Startup

"The team have been excellent to work with as we develop ML capabilities for our platform. They are harnessing the latest technology in ML and artificial intelligence for our product goals."

Need help with your project? Contact Us