
Sharing Expertise on the Software Architecture of IoT Gateways

A thought-leadership article with expertise on how to architecture efficient, secure, and easy-to-maintain gateway solutions for IoT systems

Client Profile & Challenge

DZone is one of the web's largest communities and publishers of technical content for software professionals. The US-based enterprise provides a rich collection of resources for software architects, designers, and developers. Access to the contents enables the professionals to stay updated on the current technology trends, hone their skills and advance their careers.

DZone - guided by its mission to provide valuable technical contents for IT professionals - publishes an annual Guide to the Internet of Things. The publication offers insight into business and technology perspectives of IoT trends and challenges as well as a review of software platform and hardware solutions to facilitate the implementation of IoT projects.

The publisher sought to engage a number of thought leaders to generate insightful content contributions for the 2015 edition of the IoT Guide. We worked on and delivered a white-paper article with expertise on how to architecture efficient, secure, and easy-to-maintain gateway solutions for IoT systems.


In meeting the client’s need, we produced a white paper that features an overview of the main challenges involved in crafting software architecture for IoT gateways. The article describes the main differences between the architecture of typical enterprise systems and that of more complex IoT solutions. The publication discusses the main functions of gateway software, i.e. the proxy that collects and preprocesses information from sensors / field devices and transfers the pre-processed data to the enterprise data centers. On top of that, the article presents the various challenges of and options for gateway software installation and updates.

All in all, the white paper enabled the client to share valuable actionable expertise on how to build efficient, secure, and easy-to-maintain IoT gateway solutions. The publication contributes to and advances the client’s mission of enabling IT professionals to broaden their knowledge, hone their skills and foster their career development with insightful contents.


  • a publication with insights on IoT gateway software architecture
  • a how-to white paper for the client’s main annual Guide to the Internet of Things



  • building the client’s credibility and reputation by providing insightful contents for the client’s main IoT publication
  • providing actionable expertise for the client’s key stakeholders, i.e. a global professional community targeted by the client

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